Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Mathematics Year 5-Daily Lesson Plan

:  Mathematics
:  5 
:  17 pupils
:  30 Minutes
:  Shape and Space
Learning Area
:  Area  of Composite 2-D Shapes
Learning Objectives
:  Pupils will be taught to measure and calculate the area of 2-D shapes.
Learning Outcomes
:  Pupils will be able to
1.    Measure the area of composite 2-D shapes.
2.    Calculate the area of composite 2-D shapes.

Previous knowledge
:  Pupils had learnt how to measure perimeter of composite 2-D    
Thinking Skills
:  To Relate
Inculcation of values
:  Be grateful & appreciate the value of coins.
Teaching Aids
: Coins, white flip paper, pieces of manila card,marker, measuring tape, textbook , Power Point presentation, LCD projector.

Step / Duration
Teaching and Learning Activities
Set Induction
 (5 minutes)
Comparison between surfaces of coins.
- Pupils show a 10-sen coin and a 50-sen coin.
-Pupils point out the whole part of the respective faces of the coins.
-Pupils are guided to make comparison between both surfaces of the coins and find out which coin has a bigger surface and which coin has a smaller surface.
-Repeat the activity above by comparing surface of tables, books, pencil boxes and other things in the class.
KBKK: Comparing & contrasting


Teaching aid: coins.

Moral value:
Be grateful & appreciate the value of coins.
Step 1

(10 minutes)
Introduction of the concept area.

Calculation the area using arbitrary unit.

Introduction of the standard unit of area as cm2
Based on the activity of set induction above, pupils are introduced to the concept of area by substituting the word ‘face (or surface)’ to ‘area’ so that the pupils can express that:

5 cm
“Area is the size of the region or surface of a closed plane figure’.
3 cm

Teacher shows a triangle that consist a length of 5cm and width of 3cm. teacher then show the formulae on how to find the area of a rectangle
AREA: Length x Width
5cm x 3cm = 25cm²
Teachers then show another questions and let the students to find the answers.

4 cm

Find the area of this square?
4cm x 4cm =16cm²

Teaching aid:
Geometrical board
Step 2
(10 minutes)
Reinforcement activity
Teacher gives worksheets to be done by pupils in the class.
5 minutes will be given to pupils in finishing the worksheets.
Teachers and pupils will be discussing the answers together.
Teaching strategy : Discovery method

Summary of thelesson
-Pupils summarize the lesson by explaining the area formula for rectangle and square.
-Teacher distributes the worksheet as a homework.
KBKK: Making summaries




  1. Pupils know how to use the formula(area=length x width) wisely.
  2. Pupils able to finish all the questions in 5 minutes.
  3. Pupils understand the concept of area by using teaching aids that provided by teacher.
  1. Pupils confuse in finding the area of a square.
  2. Remedial students still can understand the concept of area.
  3. Not enough time for teachers in discussing the answers with pupils.
  1. Teacher will using power point in delivering his teaching activities. By using this method, pupils will enjoy the learning activities.
  2. Teacher will manage time evenly so that there will be enough time in discussing the answers.
  3. Teacher will explain the formula of finding the area more clear to the students.

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